An horror story made in an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Tredozio.

Once upon a time the best ghost hunters from Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain and Slovakia set out to a hunted monastery to chase out the ghosts of Re-mind Yourself Youth Exchange. It was located in Tredozio, which is a place with lot of mystery and many secrets. Facilitators greeted the hunters and invited them inside their new home, where history whispers through the ancient stones.

With a profound focus on mental health, the project showcased a diverse array of workshops, from body mapping to mental health through music, dance, theater and arts. The participants were immersed in ambiance of wonder and intrigue as they explored the transformative power of creativity among the hunting background of monastery. This unique experience left an idelible mark on their hearts, fostering unity and acceptance while finding the essence of mental well-being. The backdrop of the extraordinary venue created an unforgettable atmosphere for exploring the alleys of mental health and creativity. As days were passing by, hunters created an emotional adventure and shared many memories. Laughter ”has became a universal language that brought them closer. Facilitators encouraged hunters and gave them ”weapons” to face mental health problems. They found comfort in knowing that they were not alone in theirs struggles and the empathy they received created an atmosphere of genuine support.

Our Erasmus+ experience was a transformative chapter in our lives. It has taught us the beauty and diversity, the joy of friendship and the value of stepping out of comfort zone. This Erasmus will forever hold a special place in our hearts and we are grateful for the incredible adventure it bestowed upon us. We encounter several obstacles on every life path. It is up to us which path we will choose and how will we survive it. You just need to set your mind right and everything will go as it should.

As the hunters said: “What happens in Tredozio, remains in Tredozio.”

The legend is that you can hear ghost saying Marco-Polo every night from the monastery.