”To every person who feels a little lost, who is passing through a hard period or need a break. You will find your way, just keep going. And to every incredible man and woman
I met in my experience here. You saved me. Thank you, guys”

Today we are sharing the personal project of Monia Blondi, a joyful Italian girl, that one year ago decided to join an ESC volunteering project in Greece to discover more about herself and her future. There are a lot of reasons, personal or not, for a young person to decide to take some time off their regular life and volunteer for some time in another country. Monia in this personal project tried to give us a taste of her personal experience and motives, but also from other volunteers and colleagues that wanted to share their opinion.

If you’re having deep thoughts about your future,

if you are thinking to join an ESC volunteering project,

you’re in the right place!

Take a look at Monia’s project and of course find your next adventure here: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/young-people/about_en