Hello! Here’s Margherita writing from Leszno, Poland.
Since my last report a lot of things have changed: Some people came and some people left, and, unfortunately, I’m also reaching the end of my project, and even with a little over two
months left, the time just doesn’t seem enough for everything I want to do still.

With the summer vacations I got the chance to travel a little bit both in and outside of Poland and just tomorrow my last big trip before the last weeks of works will start. The summer has now officially passed but left a lot of amazing memories. With the hot weather a lot of our activities moved from our office to the outside, our pride club, art workshops, sport competitions, city events and our amazing youth festival have all been in the nature. Now with fall at the door we’re going to go back to our somewhat routine activities which include mostly school and language classes together with our variety of workshops.

This is probably the last report I get to write before the end of this experience and it is hard to put into words how much it all has meant to me, I got the chance to grow both professionally and personally and most of all, meet the most incredible people I could ever imagine. I will miss every second of it. But for now I will be off trying to make the most of the time I have left.
Margherita Andreolli